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Advanced Flag Football registration opening soon!

On Wednesday we start registration for returning flag players !!!

Advanced Flag Football Grades 3-6th and the 7th grade league will open at noon. (grades are based on 2023 school year)

Registration for new players will open on 3/8 at noon.


  1. Lauren Reinert

    So I registered my son for the Fall Flag Football team and can’t figure out how much more we owe after paying the registration fee. I see that it states, “If payment is not received by 6/13/2023 the participant will be moved to waiting list.” Will I be billed again or can someone clarify how much more I owe?
    Also, I have a question about Fundraising. If we are expected to raise $100 by Aug. 18th, when we will get the info about what we’re supposed to sell? How much time do we have to sell these raffle tickets?

  2. Liana K Kirvan

    Is there a way to still sign up for Flag football for 2 boys- 3rd amd 6th grade?

  3. Penfield Youth FC

    Yes! You can absolutely still register your kids for flag football!
    Just click on Registration and register your kids!
    We review waiting list everyday and constantly activate kids who are on waitlist.
    So even if you need to put your kids on waitlist, please go ahead and do so!

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