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Cheer Parent Volunteers Needed

We will be sending out a sign up genius later this week for families to complete.
All families must volunteer 3 times this season.

The only exceptions to volunteering are: Team Parents, Committee Heads, and Coaches.

Hosting team building and/or breakfasts/lunches does not count towards volunteering.

Any questions will be answered tonight.

  • Bench Monitor – supervises the athletes on the bench. After checking in to confirm your attendance, please head over to the team bench.
  • Chains – in charge of the chains on the field so when the play is over you adjust accordingly to where the ball was spotted. After checking in to confirm your attendance, please meet the coach on the field.
  • Down Marker – holds display to show which down a team is at. After checking in to confirm your attendance, please meet the coach on the field.
  • Floater – fills in should a slot not be filled or the signed up volunteer fails to show. After checking in to confirm your attendance, you will be advised if you are needed and where to report.
  • Game Cleanup – cleans up all of the equipment that was used during the games for the day.
  • Game Setup – arrives at the field about an hour before game time to set up all the cones and equipment on the field.
  • Monitor – records each player’s count of plays. After checking in to confirm your attendance, please meet the coach on the field.
  • Scorekeeper/Timekeeper -keeps score and game clock. After checking in to confirm your attendance, please meet the coach on the field.
  • Spotter – works with the announcer to get the player’s number and name correct. After checking in to confirm your attendance, please meet the Mike Masters in the Press Box.
  • Time Management – sits in the press box and controls the game clock.
  • Videographer – sits in the press box for home games and in the stands for away games to record the game. After checking in to confirm your attendance, please meet the Mike Masters in the Press Box.