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Cheer Updates!

  • Mandatory Cheer Meeting 7/31
    Flag and C teams 6-7pm, A and B teams 7-8pm
    Both meetings will be in the Community Center Community Room (Baird Rd)
  • All missing paperwork needs to be turned in at the 7/31 meeting
    Our books will be certified by the league during the first week of practices
    If we do not have ALL your paperwork your child is not eligible to participate!
    We will be sending out messages of what we are missing from you
  • Please remember to turn in your vacation form on 7/31 as well
    If we do not receive a sheet from you we will assume your child will be at all practices and games
  • Uniforms will be handed out the first week of practices
  • All coaches have set up their Game Changers, if you have not received an invite or you are not part of the Game Changer email